Friday, October 17, 2008

Vision; brand marketing and the US Presidential candidates.

In the highly globalised economies of 21st century, people in any market single out a product by their brands and advertisements. Advertisements enhance the brand image of a product and people like themselves to be associated with them. There are certain products in a market which aptly explain our personality trait or even elucidate a social change.

In the US Presidential elections, ‘branding’ techniques have helped the US Presidential candidates in marketing their core views…..let’s find out:
Year- 2004
Candidate: George W. Bush (for re-election)
Identified attribute: modest; trustworthy, solid.
Linked brand to explain his attributes: Ford Motor Company; IBM; Bud Lite Beer.
Candidate: John Kerry
Identified attribute: trendy and young; high feat; high eminence.
Linked brand to explain his attributes: Heineken Beer; Apple Computers; BMW automobiles.
Year- 2008
Candidate: Barrack Obama
Identified attribute: “the choice of the next generation”
Linked brand to explain his attributes: Pepsi-Cola.
Core message: ‘trying to change things…..’
Candidate: John McCain
Identified attribute: “America’s authentic; patriotic; veteran and a war hero”.
Linked brand to explain his attributes: Coca Cola
Core message: ‘…..has been there and done that’.

for election updates, click here.

1 comment:

Deeptaman Mukherjee said...

Nice Post.

For more on US Presidential Elections, Read