Saturday, October 18, 2008

US Election Presidential debate, October 15th 2008.

Arizona Senator John McCain and Illinois Senator Barrack Obama, in their final and most arguable debate for US Presidential elections at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, had covered a wide range of issues on domestic policies. Though there were disagreements and verbal attacks on personal characters, it was praiseworthy that both of them:

  • stressed on the need to implement new initiatives to handle the present domestic financial crisis, which has now adopted a world wide character.
  • agreed to the essence of reducing Americas’ dependence on foreign oil imports.

Whereas, Obama’s strategy is to provide tax incentives for companies to create new American jobs, McCain wants to renegotiate the value of those mortgages for which the Americans are struggling to pay.

On the situation of reducing America’s dependency on foreign oil supply, Obama looked more eco-friendly in his approach in the domestic front. He advocated for the need of developing solar, wind and geothermal energy technologies.

The Case of Ohio Plumber Joe Wurzelbacher was indeed a debate on their preparedness to provide financial relief to common man on being elected to the post.

In the Indian context, can’t our politicians (who represent the worlds’ largest democracy with a glorious past) learn something good from the US Presidential election campaigns and come with serious preparations for our upcoming State and General elections, too? Can’t they inhibit on making the old-age ‘Babari-Masjid demolition case’; ‘communalism’; ‘blame-game’; ‘character assassination’……….etc. to be their as usual election issues?

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