Monday, October 20, 2008

The Indian Railways vs. the ‘Sons of the Soil Policy’.

Candidates, appearing for the Railway Recruitment Board examination, beaten and chased out of the centres from Assam…; just not done and should be vehemently and categorically opposed. The hon’ble Supreme Court of India has also, time and again, come heavily on the ‘sons of the soil policy’.

We all should bear in mind that India is one and an integrated nation and every Indian state, today, has a cosmopolitan population composition. In terms of employment opportunities, the organisations like MNS; AASU etc. are not the sentinels of India’s socialist character and need to be reminded that:

- any Indian, irrespective of his / her state can apply and compete, not only for a Central Government job but for any other opportunities in a firm or business organisations, from anywhere in the country.

- the government has left no room for general category candidates to compete ‘at-par’, as a huge proportion of any declared seats remain reserved for one or the other category. Moreover, it is an irony that many seats from these categories remain vacant year after year, incase a competent candidate is not found from the said category.

The advocacy, of these organisations, for freezing atleast the Grade – IV posts for the locals can’t be sorted out by thrashing others, who had, infact, applied for the same against the vacancies published in the various regional and national dailies. The government or her agencies are, therefore, not expected of issuing admit cards to atleast those locals who had never applied for the posts.

To survive in the highly globalised world economy it is the ‘quality’ which matters and, quality comes from competent authorities and individuals. After all, we are not supposed to cut one line short to make the other longer. How long can we live in the illusion of reservations…………reservation in the name of Castes; Tribes; Gender; Religions and now Regions………………?

These organisations seem to have started a dangerous trend of promoting the ideologies of regionalism and national disharmony and should therefore be dealt with very strictly.

For News, click 1 and 2.


ALOK VERMA said...

also see my blog

Harshit Agrawal said...

I think this was the worst a political party could do, just to gain power in local fields. Same cases have occurred before but they were only limited to private trivial party's but this has not only broken all the rules but has started rising the fire of state individuality.