Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Ever Widening Scope of Geography (Series 3)

Geography as a discipline has covered a long journey and crossed many milestones from:
the period its foundations were laid by the ancient Indians, Greeks, Chinese, Arabs and other scholars of times immemorial, who ventured out beyond their own milieu to write about other domains and people.
the highly sophisticated, analytical and integrative period of quantitative and information revolution.
Geography in the first-half of the 20th century became a discipline to study the earth’s surface from two perspectives, viz.:
Systematic Geography which produced sub-disciplines like- Geomorphology; Climatology; Biogeography; Political Geography; Economic Geography; Medical Geography and so on and so forth.
Regional Geography which gave rise to sub-branches like- Regional Geography; Regional Development; Regional Planning etc.

In the second-half of the 20th century, Walter Isard of University of Pennsylvania (USA), evolved new and hybrid analytical discipline of ‘Regional Science’ which led to the ‘quantitative revolution’ in geography.

The 21st century has put geography on a new trail of development with Spatial Information Technology (SIT), based on Aerial Photographs & Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, LIS, GPS and the wholesome of Geographic Information System (GIS).

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