Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Living on the threshold..........! (**an appeal to the younger generation in the light of MNS violence)

“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”
- Francis Bacon

…....though I am neither a prolific writer nor a poet, but at the very outset I would like to express my belief that: no generation is better than the younger generation……..............…. because the existing generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it, forgetting the very essence of life that change is the law of nature and refinement of ideas come with every successive generations. It is a well said quote that-
“A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea”
- Victor Hugo
My dear, in the 21st century which is also the era of science and technology, space explorations, liberalization-globalization and formation of global village in all spheres, it is a high time for you all to – think globally and act locally. While doing so you need to be a gentleman and to be a gentleman you should be a man first, man of your principles. You need not be a mere follower of your ideal rather you should be a trendsetter and try always to catch the limelight. If you believe that you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it, because every arrow that flies feels the attraction of the earth. While aiming for something be clear with the aims and objectives and energize yourself as a multi-targeted missile, which while hitting the subsidiary ones keep, directing towards the main. William Penn has rightly said that-
“No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown” .
So, have faith and confidence on your self and work consistently with planning and effort with optimal use of your potentialities. Remember, a good cricketer may not be a brave soldier; a brave soldier may not be a diplomatic politician; a diplomatic politician may not be a learned academician…so on and so forth, to say that there is always morning somewhere in the world and no job is high or low in profile. Moreover always respect those who gain dirt under their nails from their job.

Keep in mind that in this journey to excellence distance doesn’t matter, it is only the first step that is difficult. In the process if you ever fail, don’t lose your confidence because-
“The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything”
- Edward John Phelps

In this era of ‘cut throat competition’ there is always room at the top, but, the hierarchy to success is pyramidal in shape with a wider base and pointed apex, i.e., one or few leaders to manage the entire crowd. So, it’s an eye opener at this tender age that if you don’t manage yourself now, someone else would manage you later. So the key to success is hard work, as-
“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration”
- Thomas Edison
So dear, the pace of your development should be in cohesion with the development of the entire society and building up of a national character. Whatever and whenever you do something remember the Gandhiji’s Talisman-
“……….recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him…………”

Feel proud to be an Indian…….!!!! Enjoy the beauty of our mountains and valleys; think as strong and deep as our ocean and seas are; conserve its valuable resources; think of our environmental riches and diversities, and a sustainable development of the economy. Love, respect and follow our enriched culture and tradition……..extend the fellow feelingness and brotherhood across the borders and teach the principles of tolerance and peace to the entire world, and of all understand our ‘unity in diversity’ as- the only face on the globe, with a peculiarity of unity in diversity and rich cultural heritage, which ranks and perhaps much more advanced than any other contemporaries country in the world, is none other than your own – India.

It’s not a matter as how man dies, but, how he lives. Being blessed with a life of human being, lead a fruitful life and excel in your field to become an icon, because-
“If you have to tell others who you are, you aren’t anybody”
- Gregory Peck
Be a successful and broad-minded Indian...........!

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