Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Measures of deterrence…………! (Series C)

History is evident that the strongest of the nations have fallen due to internal clashes and feeble internal security system. India is facing varied challenges in the management of its internal security. Deterrence is crucial and the following can prevent such happenings:
  • India has given to the world the principles of ‘NAM’ and ‘Panchsheel’. The Tashkent and Shimla agreements, international commitment on ‘NO- to the first use of nuclear weapons’, ‘Agra Summit’ in the post Kargil escalations, commitment to solve the border problems by mutual discussions etc. shows maturity in her foreign policies and relations. A farther-deeper understanding and mutual cooperation with the neighboring countries may help curb terrorism. Else, she should take bold steps, diplomatic or otherwise, to uproot terrorist training centres from the soils of the neighboring countries.

  • An international platform on the lines of UNO, SAARC and such others should be formulated at her behest to exclusively deal with global terrorism. Such a body should be politically, economically and militarily strong to take preventive or corrective measures on terrorism and also against the countries perpetuating this heinous crime against humanity.

  • The ruling and opposition leaders in the country should dissolve their internal differences on the issues related to the prevention of terrorism and issues of national interests.

  • India’s anti-terrorism laws, like:
    The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967
    Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA)1987
    Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) 2001 have all been weedy so far, and, therefore needs to be well thought over and worked upon.

  • Separatist leaders (political or religious) should be dealt with strictly and at par with the terrorists.

  • The coordination among the defence – paramilitary forces and the forces responsible for internal security should be strengthened. The intelligence agencies should be made efficient and federal.

  • Illegal infiltration across the border should be checked by increasing border vigilance and enforcing institutional measures.

  • The issues of social inequality and regional disparity in the distribution of national income should be dealt with understanding, planning and sincerity.

  • Common man also needs to come out of their inhibitions and bring a comprehensive socio-political change in the nation if the system goes moldy and when the administrators take everything to be granted forever.

To read more, Click here

Also Read articles 1 and 2.

The picture is taken from here.

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