Monday, October 6, 2008

“…………becoming a soft target on home ground!” (Series B)

Map (In the Indian context): ISI and State sponsored Terrorists - Maoists-Naxalists axis culminating at the Jaffna Peninsula (a strong hold of the LTTE) - Terrorist centres in Bangladesh - Training/hiding grounds for the Insurgents of NE India in Myanmar.

Whereas the causes of Insurgency and Naxalism in India can be chiefly attributed to socio-economic and political neglect of certain communities and tribes from the mainstream of national development, rise of Terrorism has baffling reasons in the Indian context, viz.:
, India is surrounded by some of the hostile countries whose soils serve as the operational grounds for various terrorist groups. After being defeated in 1965 and 1971 wars and also in the border escalations in 1948 and 1999, Pakistan has waged a proxy war against India by perpetuating terrorism, first in J&k… in Punjab and now in whole of India.
Further, to guard a vast land boundary of about 15,000 kms from the west to the east is also a Herculean task. This makes our borders porous to the anti-national forces.
Politically, the leaders of today lack courage and vision to deal with this menace. In the fear of throbbing religious sentiments of certain communities and the filthy vote bank politics, they hesitate to take stern steps.
For e.g., the master mind behind the attack on the Indian Parliament on 13th December 2001 is not yet hanged till death (though he is convicted by the Supreme Court of India), why?, ..........................probably everyone knows!
Economically, widespread unemployment, unequal distribution of income and disparity in regional development has been preparing recruitment grounds for the terrorists.
About some youths taking to terrorism to make some easy money can also not be discarded completely.
Demographically, the Indian society is a mosaic of various socio-religious groups which are further divided in the name of caste, sect and dialect. The anti-national elements have been, from time and again, playing their nasty cards on these sensitive issues.
Besides, loopholes in the legal system, or say, anti-terrorism laws, dearth of anti-terrorism squads and weak intelligence inputs compounded by the lack of coordination among the defence, paramilitary forces and the bodies responsible for internal security has made India vulnerable to terrorist attacks often frequently.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

it is very intresting to know the reasons leading to the terrorists activties in our country. India is really a soft target and vulnerable to these attacks. We as citizens should be aware of these facts and face it will courage.
