Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sameer loves Priya……. * $ #! ~ !! ~ !!!

‘Sameer loves Priya’ …...on the walls of an ancient structure (located near a milestone along the highway to Shimla) is a very frequently seen commercial advertisement of Reliance Mobile on the TV channels these days.
The theme of the advertisement is, however, very much against the rules and regulations laid down by the Archaeological Survey of India towards the protection of our monuments and centres of cultural heritage.
Whereas, the awareness on conservation and protection of our natural and cultural heritage amongst the students and common man is being promoted on a war footing, these types of advertisements by the reputed corporate giants is really disheartening.
To recall correctly, a MNC, which is into the making of soft drinks in India even today, was fined heavily by the Uttaranchal government in the past for putting advertisements of the their product on the cliffs and rock-faces on the mountains. The advertisements had tainted the natural beauty of the fragile Himalayan ecosystem.
The corporate and advertising agencies, therefore, need to be little more sensitive to our physio-cultural heritage, and, should rather, send social message on their protection / conservation.


Deeptaman Mukherjee said...

Actually those who study Advertising would agree with me that the ads you have mentioned in your post are examples of Classical Advertising. Also, these ads break the clutter and increase the Brand Recall Rate among its target consumers.

But certainly, those have some ethical issues to it. And you have very well highlited the moral and geographical issues which have a connect with the ad.

Completely agree with you.

Great Blogging.

Harshit Agrawal said...

yes sir i agree this fact and i too think these small small advertisements do promote similar actions.
Must say a good article.