Sunday, December 14, 2008

Enough is enough. (Series 2)

(In the context of 5th, 6th and 7th October articles posted in the blog.)
Our politicians seem to be thick skinned and cold blooded people. They don’t mind making quick bucks even from the commissions earned on the purchase of coffins for our martyrs. Few things I have always failed to understand like, when:
  • the Indian government is aware of the fact that the PoK is a hub of terrorist training centres, then why are we not launching a full fledged elimination operations across the border. Are we scared of a border escalation or a war? Or, are we not sure and certain as how to contain Pakistan where the power structure is shared by the civilians & the military, the ISI and the jehadi groups?

We are dreaming for the ‘super-power’ status by registering a 12% plus growth rate and holding the largest man power supplier in the world,……..but is it feasible in this insecure environment?????

During the Kargil conflict too, our political leaders didn’t allow our soldiers to cross the LoC and finish the intruders into the Indian Territory, else the conflict would have been over in few days with minimum casualties. All these shows the compulsions under which our forces are operating.
Whereas the politicians give all instigating remarks from within the security rings of NSGs all around them, the common man finds them all unsafe at any point of time. It is a high time to teach these dormant leaders a lesson that the NSGs and other such security personnel are not meant for their status symbol.

  • our government is fully aware on the location and whereabouts of the “India’s most wanted” in Pakistan, then why have we failed in taking some concrete steps so far in either nabbing or eliminating them?

  • the IB (Intelligence Bureau), some two to three years ago, has warned the government about the involvement of terrorists and their organisation in our stock markets. It means our own money and capital is being used by them for our destruction. When will our leaders come out of their slumber and take appropriate measures to handle this bombshell……?

The strategies in the post Mumbai attack scenario, designed by the UPA government are all an eye wash for the general public. What’s the point in rolling down few heads and changing the portfolios of the ministers? What legislative measures has the government taken in its entire term of about five years to strengthen the internal security of the country? To play its minority card for electoral gains the government has done away with the TADA & POTA, and forgot that it was only because of these anti-terror laws (with whatever pros and cons) that the assassins of Rajiv Gandhi (the former PM of India) and the master mind behind the attacks on the Indian Parliament, Afzal Guru, could be convicted.

Now it’s quite bizarre to see that the person of finance is heading the Ministry of Home at the Centre and that even in a situation when he himself has expressed his displeasure over the change. The governance is therefore in a total state of chaos and I see a total absence of commitment from the ministers.

The hon’ble PM should now give a positive signal to the countrymen that he himself is capable of taking and executing tough measures to tackle the issues of national crisis and cease to reflect his dependence on Sonia Gandhi who always chairs next to him to project herself as the real authority behind the screen. If not, all these politicians should now be issued with pink slips and made sure that they are not engaged anywhere else in the system. India, infact needs another Sardar Patel, Subhas Chandra Bose or an expert in the field like KPS Gill.

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